01 novembro 2006

Faith Diver: As lições de Sayyid Ali Khamenei

Caros Leitores, temos o prazer de destemidamente apresentar esta peça sobre o site oficial de Sayyid Ali Khamenei, mesmo estando cientes dos perigos que as embaixadas portuguesas no mundo árabe correm. Saibam, caros leitores, que os repórteres da Newsweak-Porto jamais se deixarão intimidar por um bando de terroristas barbudos e mal-cheirosos. Uma peça como esta deve ser do conhecimento de todos os cidadãos ocidentais, e nós jamais deixaremos de cumprir o nosso dever para com eles. Por isso sigam com a vossa leitura,porque sem dúvida que vale a pena!

O Ocidente tem a mania de ver o mundo árabe como uma região arcaica, quase medieval, em que todos os homens são fanáticos barbudos e as mulheres não têm cara nem direitos. A verdade é que a Newsweak-Porto tem a prova de isto não é bem assim, pois soubemos que no Irão não só a Internet é um bem usado por uma parte significativa da população, como também é o país com o melhor site do Multiverso. Falo-vos, como é óbvio, do site oficial do Supremo Líder do Irão. O site está disponivel em cinco línguas, podendo apenas duas delas ser consideradas linguas civilizadas (o inglês e o francês). O site tem várias informações sobre a vida de Khamenei, assim como sobre as leis islâmicas, a liderança suprema e alguns dos seus discursos. Mas a parte mais fascinante e que torna este site no rei (ou supremo líder) de todos os sites são as dúvidas online que o comum fiel (ou mesmo infiél) pode fazer ao Imâ Khamenei. As perguntas vão desde a comida, a bebida e o tabaco e as mulheres e a música. Quem gosta de ler as perguntas e respostas sobre dúvidas sexuais nas Marias, Anas e Marianas vai adorar este site. As suas lições são tão esclarecedoras que quase fizeram com que a agnóstica staff do Newsweak-Porto se lançasse numa cruzada contra o Grande Satã americano. Fica portanto aqui uma selecção de algumas das melhores perguntas feitas ao Imâ. A tarefa de decisão foi dificil, porque todas elas eram excelentes, mas algumas tiveram que ficar de fora. Ficam em inglês, porque temos preguiça em traduzir.

Q: Is it permissible to perform the traditional dancing in wedding parties? What is your view on taking part in such parties? Is it ḥarām for a woman to dance for her husband?
A: If dancing entails sexual excitation or committing a harām act like listening to harām music, or results into a bad consequence; it is not permissible. If a woman dances for her husband without the commission of any harām act, there is no harm in it.

Q: While slaughtering chickens with new machines, the name of Allah is not said for each chicken due to fast work. Can we eat them?
A: For each group of them, which are slaughtered at the same time after saying bismillāh, one bismillāh is enough. For the next group that there is enough time, one should repeat bismillāh.

Q: Is it permissible to eat octopus and crab?
A: Among animals living in water, only shrimp and scaled fish are ḥalāl.

Q: Considering that smoking cigarette and hookah is harmful, is it permissible to do so?
A: It depends on how much harmful it is. If it causes considerable harm to the body, it is not permissible.

Q: A person works as a trainer and an international referee in some kind of sport. His work could require his presence in clubs where harām kind of music and singing are played. Is it permissible for him to carry on with this work, especially, if it provides him with some income where jobs are hard to come by?
A: There is no harm in this person's work, albeit it is ḥarām for him to listen to ghinā’ and lahwī music. In circumstances where he is compelled to enter places where the ḥarām type of singing and music are taking place, he is allowed to do so, provided he avoids listening to them. There is, though, no problem in hearing such singing and music involuntarily.

Q: What are lahwī music and singing?
A: Any music or singing which due to its characteristics keeps human beings away from Allah, the sublime, and away from moral merits and spiritual matters and drives them towards sinful acts and carelessness is lahwī and harām.

Q: Is a menstruating woman permitted to touch the turbah of Imam Husayn (a.)? Her children used to say their prayer with her and while in menses they ask her why she does not pray. As a result, she stands facing qiblah bowing and prostrating as if she is really praying. Is that permissible?
A) She is allowed to touch turbah but not to pray even in the given case. Of course, when time arrives it is recommended for a menstruating woman to change her pad/cotton, make wudū’, sit down for a prayer period facing qiblah, and remember Allah, the Exalted.

Q: I am a teacher and an imam of congregational prayer in one of our local masjids. Sometime people ask me to make a marriage contract between Muslim men and Christian women and I do that according to shar'. Recently I had been invited to attend a marriage contract ceremony between a Muslim man and a religious Christian girl. He wanted the contract to be recited in the masjid. The girl did not refuse that, but asked the man to go, after that, with her to make their marriage rites in a church according to Christians. The man refused that but she begged him to just attend there without doing any of their rites along with the attendance of their two families and a representative of the Muslims’ community (the imam).
A: For a Muslim man it is problematic to permanently marry a Christian or Jewish girl, while there is no harm in marrying them temporarily provided that the marriage contract is made in accordance with the Islamic law by the agreement of both parties. After the marriage is concluded according to the correct Islamic method, making it again pursuant to Christian teachings is meaningless. However, there is no objection to going to a church and holding artificial marriage ceremonies according to their method, in itself.

Q: Can any of the permanently married couple (whether the husband or wife) adopt contraception without the consent of the other spouse?
A: To prevent pregnancy through coitus interrupts depend on a mutual consent of both the husband and wife. Adopting other methods of contraception by the wife is conditional on her husband’s agreement.

Q: A not very religious Muslim recently became faithful. Is he allowed to sing/hum — to himself or in front of his friends — the songs he learnt by heart?
A: He is not allowed to sing the ḥarām ghinā’ even to himself, let alone in front of his previous friends.

Q: There are some video cassettes, pictures on the internet, or even CDs containing barbaric scenes, i.e. acts done in Iraq by some groups who pretend Islam like severing heads of hostages by a knife. There are also similar scenes which show the crimes of the Ba‘th regime in Iraq as exploding prisoners or butchering, etc. and they are all savage scenes. The question is: what is the ruling of watching these pictures or scenes?
A: It is impermissible to watch such pictures or scenes if it is intended for spreading corruption or if watching them leads to social vile consequences.
Q: Some of the computer soft-wares work for 15 days only and are made by foreign companies. What is the ruling of breaking the protecting system of these soft-wares to make them free and work forever or taking the ready-made broken file? Knowing that these soft-wares are useful and are so expensive in the market and one can download them from the company’s site to be tested on the computer. Moreover, when breaking the protecting system, nothing is stolen from the company or the market and by this act I will benefit many people who cannot afford the soft-wares’ price. Also, what can I do with the cracks I used? Can I just use them instead of making them?
A: As long as the soft-ware companies – be it foreign or local – have the right that nobody can use these programs by breaking their protection without their permission; it is impermissible to break the protection and use these programs without the consent of the producing company. The mere intending to benefit people by breaking or high prices and inability of most people to take advantage of these programs due to their price does not justify, according to shar‘, violating others’ legal rights. As per the crack you have used until now, you should acquire the agreement of the original company in this regard; otherwise, you are not allowed to continue with using them.

Q: If a person (A) says — in public, e.g. sends emails to different individuals — bad and unreal words regarding another person (B) and humiliates him in front of others, how can (A) correct his mistake and completely rehabilitate (B) as far as his rights are concerned? Should (A) send emails to all those who received the insulting email to tell them the opposite? If (A) does not do this, is he excused while (B) insists on his doing so and declaring his apology in public?
A: He has to tell everyone who received these words that they were just wrong and should satisfy the insulted person.

Q: According to university regulations, the students who live at a distance more than 30 km. away from the university are provided with accommodation. For acquiring such accommodation, my friend — who lives in the same city and is not allowed by the regulations to have accommodation — succeed in acquiring a residential document which proves that he lives 60 km. away from the university in another city. In view of the fact that he really lives inside the department, is he allowed to do so to get an accommodation?
A: As the conditions required for getting accommodation do not apply to him, he is not allowed to use university accommodation. Moreover, his living there is ruled to be usurpation and harām.

Q: If somebody masturbates during the month of Ramadan but without any discharge, is his fasting invalidated?
A: if he do not intend masturbation and discharging semen and nothing is discharged, his fasting is correct even though he has done a ḥarām act. But, if he intends masturbation or he knows that he usually discharges semen by this process and semen really comes out, it is a ḥarām intentional breaking fasting.

Q: Diabetic patients take insulin injection. Does it break fasting? If yes, what could the patient do if he/she is compelled to take it?
A: Insulin injection does not break fasting.

Para conhecerem mais, vejam as links FAQ e Newly Asked Questions no site http://www.leader.ir/ .

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